University Endowment Funds in Ghana
The University of Ghana is 76 years old; KNUST is about 72 years old; and UCC is over 60 years old. UCC launched its Endowment Fund in 2004; UG in 2018 and KNUST in 2021 (or there about). How much have these universities accumulated in their respective endowment funds?
The question is this: How many of the teeming numbers of members of alumni of these three main public universities have contributed to their respective endowment funds? And here, I will be quick to add that I’m also a culprit. I pledge to change my ways going forward.
Universities in the world over use Endowment Funds to provide scholarships for needy but brilliant students, modern educational infrastructure and for retooling basic amenities and services.
If all who passed through these universities and are gainfully employed or running businesses and organisations make it a culture of donating regularly to their respective Uni’s Funds, the institutions will be better for it. The so called Ivy League Schools and other institutions of higher learning in the western world that everyone dream of sending their children to on full or partial scholarship are able to open their arms of welcome because of the contribution of the old students of these schools.
Just as example, below are some the Universities and the size of their endowment funds:
Harvard – $53 billion
Yale – $42 billion
Uni of Texas System Office – $40billion
Stanford – $38 billion
Princeton – $37 billion
MIT – $24 billion
Etc etc etc
These funds have been built up over the years by former graduates (Alumni) from these universities and other benevolent organisations.
It must be said that in Ghana, some University Alumni (organised as year groups) have done a lot for their schools but this call is a greater call for all to get involved and make it a regular habit of supporting the Schools and Universities that have made us who we are today.
Old student year groups should prioritise giving back to their schools on regular basis and not over prioritise funerals and merrymaking.
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