Upsa Global Alumni Association Presents Bereaved Member with Ghc 15,000 Cheque
The UPSA Global Alumni has visited and presented a cheque for GHC 15,000 to Matilda Kpatsa at her residence. This is to console her for the emotional and financial burden of the demise of her husband, Rev. Robertson Kpatsa. She is a member of the 2012-year group.
Fortunately, she had subscribed to the Enterprise Life Alumni Insurance Policy, which provided her with some much-needed financial relief in this difficult moment.
Mrs. Matilda Kpatsa expressed gratitude to the UPSA Global Alumni Association and Enterprise Life Insurance for the tremendous amount of support in their time of need.
For more updates and information on the UPSA Global Alumni Association, visit or follow their social media channels on Facebook (upsaglobalalumni) and Instagram (upsaglobalalumni).
Tag:Alumni Insurance